
FIX trade specification details the tags and values along with description of values for each trade field for processing incoming trades from OMS clients. Clear Street currently utilizes FIX 4.2 format.

Configuring FIX Session

// Example Config


A FIX session is defined as a unique combination of a BeginString (the FIX version number 4.2), a SenderCompID (OMS Client ID as defined by Clear Street), and a TargetCompID (Clear Street's ID CLST). A SessionQualifier can also be used to disambiguate otherwise identical sessions.

A FIX session has an active time period during which all data is transmitted. Clear Street currently accepts connections between 5 AM EST to 9 PM EST on all business days.

A Logon message (Tag 35=A) must be sent to Clear Street on every business day to indicate the beginning of activity and a Logout message (Tag 35=5)must be sent to Clear Street indicating end of activity for that day.

Clear Street also recommends exchanging heartbeats every 30 seconds by sending a message with tag 35=0.

Clear Street expects every message sent to have a unique continuous sequence number as part of message with tag 34=. If there are any gaps in sequence numbers, a sequence reset message will sent to OMS client with tag 34=4.

All trade messages must have tag 35=8 indicating that each message is an execution report. Please note that we have added few custom tags starting with 9001 to allow clients to send specific information needed for trades to be processed at our end. These tags are listed as part of the inbound specification.

FIX Inbound Trade Specification

Allocation Trade

BeginString 8=FIX.4.2
MsgType 35=8
TargetCompID 56=CLST
MsgSeqNum 34=129143
TradeType 9001=A
InstrumentIdentifierType 22=4
SettlementDateType 63=0
SettlementDate 64=20201023
Capacity 47=A
TargetAccountID 79=100017
CheckSum 10=180

This trade type is used to facilitate average-price workflows, i.e. averaging many trades for a customer and allocating it to them as a single trade.

Name FIX Tag Allowable Values Type Length Required? Description
ExecutionTransactionType 20 0 1 Integer 1 R 0-New 1-Cancel
TradeType 9001 A String 1 R A-Allocation
AccountID 1 Integer 6 R Clear Street provided account id
BehalfOfAccountID 109 Integer 6 O Clear Street provided account ID if this trade is on behalf of another account
BranchOffice 9003 String O Branch office for this trade
TradeID 17 String R Unique Trade ID for this trade. Must be unique across days
CancelTradeID 9009 String CR Original trade ID to cancel; Required for all Cancel trades
TradeDate 75 Integer 8 R Trade Date in YYYYMMDD format
Instrument Identifier Type 22 1 2 4 8 Integer 1 CR 1-CUSIP 2-SEDOL 4-ISIN 8-TICKER Required unless the instrument is an Option and tags 167, 55, 200, 201, 202, and 205 are provided.
Instrument Identifier 48 String CR Instrument Identifier based on tag 22 Required unless the instrument is an Option and tags 167, 55, 200, 201, 202, and 205 are provided.
Security Type 167 String CR Indicates type of security. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Symbol 55 String 6 CR Ticker symbol. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Maturity Month Year 200 Integer 6 CR Month and year of the maturity for an Option. Maturity Month Year in format YYYYMM. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Put Or Call 201 0 1 Integer 1 CR Indicates whether an Option is for a put or a call 0 = Put 1 = Call Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Strike Price 202 Decimal 8 CR Strike Price for an Option. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Maturity Day 205 Integer 2 CR To be used in conjunction with Maturity Month Year 200 to specify a particular maturity date for an Option. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
InstrumentCountry 421 String 3 R ISO 3166 alpha-3 country code where the instrument trades
InstrumentCurrency 15 String 3 R ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code in which the instrument trades
Price 31 Decimal R The price of the trade
Quantity 32 Decimal R The quantity of the trade (supports fractional quantities)
RegisteredRep 9002 String O Registered rep on this trade
Side 54 1 2 5 6 Integer 1 R 1-Buy 2-Sell 5-Sell Short 6-Sell Exempt
PositionType 77 C O String 1 O C-Close O-Open
SettlementCurrency 120 String 3 O ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code in which the instrument trades
SettlementDateType 63 0 7 Integer 1 R 0-Regular 7-When_Issued
SettlementDate 64 Integer 8 CR Defaults to 99991231 for when issued trades and not required for when issued trades. Settlement date in YYYYMMDD format
Solicited 325 F T String 1 O F-Solicited T-Not Solicited
TradeExecutionTime 60 UTCTimestamp R Timestamp of when the trade occurred in YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss
Capacity 47 A M P R String 1 R A-Agency M-Mixed P-Principal R-Riskless Principal
ContraSideQualifier 9004 5 6 Integer CR 5-Sell Short 6-Sell Exempt
Commission 12 Decimal O Commission charged or paid
TargetAccountID 79 Integer R Clear Street provided account ID
OmitSECFee 9005 F T String 1 O True if SEC fees should not be applied
OmitTAFFee 9006 F T String 1 O True if TAF fees should not be applied
OrderID 37 String O Order ID to link all the executions in the average price account

Away Trade

BeginString 8=FIX.4.2
InstrumentIdentifier 48=US70450Y1038
ContraClearingNum 440=0295
ExecutingMPID 76=WXYZ

This trade type represents a customer executing away from Clear Street LLC. For example, direct customer of CLST routes order for execution to Goldman.

Name FIX Tag Allowable Values Type Length Required? Description
ExecutionTransactionType 20 0 1 Integer 1 R 0-New 1-Cancel
TradeType 9001 W String 1 R W-Away
AccountID 1 Integer 6 R Clear Street provided account id
BehalfOfAccountID 109 Integer 6 O Clear Street provided account ID if this trade is on behalf of another account
BranchOffice 9003 String O Branch office for this trade
TradeID 17 String R Unique Trade ID for this trade. Must be unique across days
CancelTradeID 9009 String CR Original trade ID to cancel; Required for all Cancel trades
TradeDate 75 Integer 8 R Trade Date in YYYYMMDD format
Instrument Identifier Type 22 1 2 4 8 Integer 1 CR 1-CUSIP 2-SEDOL 4-ISIN 8-TICKER Required unless the instrument is an Option and tags 167, 55, 200, 201, 202, and 205 are provided.
Instrument Identifier 48 String CR Instrument Identifier based on tag 22 Required unless the instrument is an Option and tags 167, 55, 200, 201, 202, and 205 are provided.
Security Type 167 String CR Indicates type of security. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Symbol 55 String 6 CR Ticker symbol. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Maturity Month Year 200 Integer 6 CR Month and year of the maturity for an Option. Maturity Month Year in format YYYYMM. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Put Or Call 201 0 1 Integer 1 CR Indicates whether an Option is for a put or a call 0 = Put 1 = Call Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Strike Price 202 Decimal 8 CR Strike Price for an Option. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Maturity Day 205 Integer 2 CR To be used in conjunction with Maturity Month Year 200 to specify a particular maturity date for an Option. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
InstrumentCountry 421 String 3 R ISO 3166 alpha-3 country code where the instrument trades
InstrumentCurrency 15 String 3 R ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code in which the instrument trades
Price 31 Decimal R The price of the trade
Quantity 32 Decimal R The quantity of the trade (supports fractional quantities)
RegisteredRep 9002 String O Registered rep on this trade
Side 54 1 2 5 6 Integer 1 R 1-Buy 2-Sell 5-Sell Short 6-Sell Exempt
PositionType 77 C O String 1 O C-Close O-Open
SettlementCurrency 120 String 3 O ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code in which the instrument trades
SettlementDateType 63 0 7 Integer 1 R 0-Regular 7-When_Issued
SettlementDate 64 Integer 8 CR Defaults to 99991231 for when issued trades and not required for when issued trades. Settlement date in YYYYMMDD format
Solicited 325 F T String 1 O F-Solicited T-Not Solicited
TradeExecutionTime 60 UTCTimestamp R Timestamp of when the trade occurred in YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss
Capacity 47 A M P R String 1 R A-Agency M-Mixed P-Principal R-Riskless Principal
ContraClearingNumber 440 Integer 4 O Contra-party's clearing number, If not supplied the value will be derived from an internal MPID to clearing number mapping
ContraMPID 375 String 4 R Contra-party's MPID
ExecutingMPID 76 String 4 R Executing party's MPID
ContraSideQualifier 9004 5 6 Integer CR 5-Sell Short 6-Sell Exempt
MIC 30 String 4 O ISO 10383 Market Identifer Code for the exchange
Commission 12 Decimal O Commission charged or paid
OmitSECFee 9005 F T String 1 O True if SEC fees should not be applied
OmitTAFFee 9006 F T String 1 O True if TAF fees should not be applied
LocateID 9007 String CR Locate ID obtained for a short sale; Required for Sell Short
LocateSource 9008 String CR Firm supplying the locate (usually MPID); Required for Sell Short
OrderID 37 String O Order ID to link all the executions in the average price account
NSCCClearing 9010 agu contra corr corr_fees qsr String O agu contra corr corr_fees qsr

Bilateral Trade

BeginString 8=FIX.4.2
InstrumentIdentifier 48=US70450Y1038
ContraClearingNum 440=0295
ExecutingMPID 76=WXYZ

This trade represents a trade between two trading entities. For example, trading firm XYZ buys 100 share of AAPL from trading firm ABC.

Name FIX Tag Allowable Values Type Length Required? Description
ExecutionTransactionType 20 0 1 Integer 1 R 0-New 1-Cancel
TradeType 9001 B String 1 R B-Bilateral
AccountID 1 Integer 6 R Clear Street provided account id
BehalfOfAccountID 109 Integer 6 O Clear Street provided account ID if this trade is on behalf of another account
BranchOffice 9003 String O Branch office for this trade
TradeID 17 String R Unique Trade ID for this trade. Must be unique across days
CancelTradeID 9009 String CR Original trade ID to cancel; Required for all Cancel trades
Trade Date 75 Integer 8 R Trade Date in YYYYMMDD format
Instrument Identifier Type 22 1 2 4 8 Integer 1 CR 1-CUSIP 2-SEDOL 4-ISIN 8-TICKER Required unless the instrument is an Option and tags 167, 55, 200, 201, 202, and 205 are provided.
Instrument Identifier 48 String CR Instrument Identifier based on tag 22 Required unless the instrument is an Option and tags 167, 55, 200, 201, 202, and 205 are provided.
Security Type 167 String CR Indicates type of security. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Symbol 55 String 6 CR Ticker symbol. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Maturity Month Year 200 Integer 6 CR Month and year of the maturity for an Option. Maturity Month Year in format YYYYMM. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Put Or Call 201 0 1 Integer 1 CR Indicates whether an Option is for a put or a call 0 = Put 1 = Call Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Strike Price 202 Decimal 8 CR Strike Price for an Option. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Maturity Day 205 Integer 2 CR To be used in conjunction with Maturity Month Year 200 to specify a particular maturity date for an Option. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
InstrumentCountry 421 String 3 R ISO 3166 alpha-3 country code where the instrument trades
InstrumentCurrency 15 String 3 R ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code in which the instrument trades
Price 31 Decimal R The price of the trade
Quantity 32 Decimal R The quantity of the trade (supports fractional quantities)
RegisteredRep 9002 String O Registered rep on this trade
Side 54 1 2 5 6 Integer 1 R 1-Buy 2-Sell 5-Sell Short 6-Sell Exempt
PositionType 77 C O String 1 O C-Close O-Open
SettlementCurrency 120 String 3 O ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code in which the instrument trades
SettlementDateType 63 0 7 Integer 1 R 0-Regular 7-When_Issued
SettlementDate 64 Integer 8 CR Defaults to 99991231 for when issued trades and not required for when issued trades. Settlement date in YYYYMMDD format
Solicited 325 F T String 1 O F-Solicited T-Not Solicited
TradeExecutionTime 60 UTCTimestamp R Timestamp of when the trade occurred in YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss
Capacity 47 A M P R String 1 R A-Agency M-Mixed P-Principal R-Riskless Principal
ContraClearing Number 440 Integer 4 O Contra-party's clearing number, If not supplied the value will be derived from an internal MPID to clearing number mapping
ContraMPID 375 String 4 R Contra-party's MPID
ExecutingMPID 76 String 4 R Executing party's MPID
ContraSideQualifier 9004 5 6 Integer CR 5-Sell Short 6-Sell Exempt
MIC 30 String 4 O ISO 10383 Market Identifer Code for the exchange
Commission 12 Decimal O Commission charged or paid
OmitSECFee 9005 F T String 1 O True if SEC fees should not be applied
OmitTAFFee 9006 F T String 1 O True if TAF fees should not be applied
LocateID 9007 String CR Locate ID obtained for a short sale; Required for Sell Short
LocateSource 9008 String CR Firm supplying the locate (usually MPID); Required for Sell Short
OrderID 37 String O Order ID to link all the executions in the average price account
NSCC Clearing 9010 agu contra corr corr_fees qsr String O agu contra corr corr_fees qsr
LastLiquidityInd 851 1 2 3 4 Integer O 1 - Added Liquidity 2 - Removed Liquidity 3 - Liquidity Routed Out 4 - Netted Liquidity

Exchange Trade

BeginString 8=FIX.4.2
InstrumentIdentifier 48=US70450Y1038
ExecutingMPID 76=WXYZ

This trade represents a trade between a trading entity and an exchange. For example, trading firm XYX buys 100 shares of AAPL directly on Nasdaq

Name FIX Tag Allowable Values Type Length Required? Description
ExecutionTransactionType 20 0 1 Integer 1 R 0-New 1-Cancel
TradeType 9001 E String 1 R E-Exchange
AccountID 1 Integer 6 R Clear Street provided account id
BehalfOfAccountID 109 Integer 6 O Clear Street provided account ID if this trade is on behalf of another account
BranchOffice 9003 String O Branch office for this trade
TradeID 17 String R Unique Trade ID for this trade. Must be unique across days
CancelTradeID 9009 String CR Original trade ID to cancel; Required for all Cancel trades
TradeDate 75 Integer 8 R Trade Date in YYYYMMDD format
Instrument Identifier Type 22 1 2 4 8 Integer 1 CR 1-CUSIP 2-SEDOL 4-ISIN 8-TICKER Required unless the instrument is an Option and tags 167, 55, 200, 201, 202, and 205 are provided.
Instrument Identifier 48 String CR Instrument Identifier based on tag 22 Required unless the instrument is an Option and tags 167, 55, 200, 201, 202, and 205 are provided.
Security Type 167 String CR Indicates type of security. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Symbol 55 String 6 CR Ticker symbol. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Maturity Month Year 200 Integer 6 CR Month and year of the maturity for an Option. Maturity Month Year in format YYYYMM. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Put Or Call 201 0 1 Integer 1 CR Indicates whether an Option is for a put or a call 0 = Put 1 = Call Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Strike Price 202 Decimal 8 CR Strike Price for an Option. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Maturity Day 205 Integer 2 CR To be used in conjunction with Maturity Month Year 200 to specify a particular maturity date for an Option. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
InstrumentCountry 421 String 3 R ISO 3166 alpha-3 country code where the instrument trades
InstrumentCurrency 15 String 3 R ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code in which the instrument trades
Price 31 Decimal R The price of the trade
Quantity 32 Decimal R The quantity of the trade (supports fractional quantities)
RegisteredRep 9002 String O Registered rep on this trade
Side 54 1 2 5 6 Integer 1 R 1-Buy 2-Sell 5-Sell Short 6-Sell Exempt
PositionType 77 C O String 1 O C-Close O-Open
SettlementCurrency 120 String 3 O ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code in which the instrument trades
SettlementDateType 63 0 7 Integer 1 R 0-Regular 7-When_Issued
SettlementDate 64 Integer 8 CR Defaults to 99991231 for when issued trades and not required for when issued trades. Settlement date in YYYYMMDD format
Solicited 325 F T String 1 O F-Solicited T-Not Solicited
TradeExecutionTime 60 UTCTimestamp R Timestamp of when the trade occurred in YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss
Capacity 47 A M P R String 1 R A-Agency M-Mixed P-Principal R-Riskless Principal
ExecutingMPID 76 String 4 R Executing party's MPID
ContraSideQualifier 9004 5 6 Integer CR 5-Sell Short 6-Sell Exempt
MIC 30 String 4 R ISO 10383 Market Identifer Code for the exchange
Commission 12 Decimal O Commission charged or paid
OmitSECFee 9005 F T String 1 O True if SEC fees should not be applied
OmitTAFFee 9006 F T String 1 O True if TAF fees should not be applied
LocateID 9007 String CR Locate ID obtained for a short sale; Required for Sell Short
LocateSource 9008 String CR Firm supplying the locate (usually MPID); Required for Sell Short
OrderID 37 String O Order ID to link all the executions in the average price account
LastLiquidityInd 851 1 2 3 4 Integer O 1 - Added Liquidity 2 - Removed Liquidity 3 - Liquidity Routed Out 4 - Netted Liquidity

Transfer Trade

BeginString 8=FIX.4.2
InstrumentIdentifier 48=US70450Y1038
ExecutingMPID 76=WXYZ
TargetAccountID 79=100017

This trade type is to facilitate trade movement between Clear Street internal accounts. For example, trade movement from a proprietary account to an average price account.

Name FIX Tag Allowable Values Type Length Required? Description
ExecutionTransactionType 20 0 1 Integer 1 R 0-New 1-Cancel
TradeType 9001 T String 1 R T-Transfer
AccountID 1 Integer 6 R Clear Street provided account id
BehalfOfAccountID 109 Integer 6 O Clear Street provided account ID if this trade is on behalf of another account
BranchOffice 9003 String O Branch office for this trade
TradeID 17 String R Unique Trade ID for this trade. Must be unique across days
CancelTradeID 9009 String CR Original trade ID to cancel; Required for all Cancel trades
TradeDate 75 Integer 8 R Trade Date in YYYYMMDD format
Instrument Identifier Type 22 1 2 4 8 Integer 1 CR 1-CUSIP 2-SEDOL 4-ISIN 8-TICKER Required unless the instrument is an Option and tags 167, 55, 200, 201, 202, and 205 are provided.
Instrument Identifier 48 String CR Instrument Identifier based on tag 22 Required unless the instrument is an Option and tags 167, 55, 200, 201, 202, and 205 are provided.
Security Type 167 String CR Indicates type of security. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Symbol 55 String 6 CR Ticker symbol. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Maturity Month Year 200 Integer 6 CR Month and year of the maturity for an Option. Maturity Month Year in format YYYYMM. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Put Or Call 201 0 1 Integer 1 CR Indicates whether an Option is for a put or a call 0 = Put 1 = Call Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Strike Price 202 Decimal 8 CR Strike Price for an Option. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
Maturity Day 205 Integer 2 CR To be used in conjunction with Maturity Month Year 200 to specify a particular maturity date for an Option. Required for Options where tags 22 or 48 are not provided.
InstrumentCountry 421 String 3 R ISO 3166 alpha-3 country code where the instrument trades
InstrumentCurrency 15 String 3 R ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code in which the instrument trades
Price 31 Decimal R The price of the trade
Quantity 32 Decimal R The quantity of the trade (supports fractional quantities)
RegisteredRep 9002 String O Registered rep on this trade
Side 54 1 2 5 6 Integer 1 R 1-Buy 2-Sell 5-Sell Short 6-Sell Exempt
PositionType 77 C O String 1 O C-Close O-Open
SettlementCurrency 120 String 3 O ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code in which the instrument trades
SettlementDateType 63 0 7 Integer 1 R 0-Regular 7-When_Issued
SettlementDate 64 Integer 8 CR Defaults to 99991231 for when issued trades and not required for when issued trades. Settlement date in YYYYMMDD format
Solicited 325 F T String 1 O F-Solicited T-Not Solicited
TradeExecutionTime 60 UTCTimestamp R Timestamp of when the trade occurred in YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss
Capacity 47 A M P R String 1 R A-Agency M-Mixed P-Principal R-Riskless Principal
ContraSideQualifier 9004 5 6 Integer CR 5-Sell Short 6-Sell Exempt
Commission 12 Decimal O Commission charged or paid
TargetAccountID 79 Integer R Clear Street provided account ID
OmitSECFee 9005 F T String 1 O True if SEC fees should not be applied
OmitTAFFee 9006 F T String 1 O True if TAF fees should not be applied

FIX Outbound (Response) Specification

Name FIX Tag Allowable Values Type Description Example
Trade Details FIX message received from OMS
Response 9011 String ACK or NACK with reason accepted